So, clearly I've had some time to do some reading... mostly because I haven't been in school or studying for an actuary exam (and I was home sick for about three days). I'll have to start that up again soon, but for now I'm enjoying it. While we are discussing reading let me tell you about something AWESOME from Beth Moore. This probably isn't new, but it is certainly new to me. She has produced three new books. They are large, hard back books entitled 90 Days with ____ (Jesus, John, or David). I got the Jesus one. I'm on day 5 and let me tell you... it is so wonderful! You only cover a little scripture each day, but the depth in which you cover it is just amazing. I highly recommend this series. I'll be doing the other two when I finish this one. For Beth Moore fans I understand that these books are based on her Bible studies, so there may be some overlap between Jesus the One and Only and this book - fyi.
Lastly, is a little series of books turned Hallmark movies called Love Comes Softly. If Natalie is reading this, I bet she's tearing up right now ;) . I rented the first few movies in the series (6 movies so far - 8 books total) because Natalie and Olivia said they were so good. Oh my goodness, they are SO good. Well, to be honest the acting is sort of bad in parts, but the message is phenomenal. Imagine Christian living on the prairie... like Laura Ingles Wilder, but more Jesus-y!!! So I decided to read the books, which true to form are much better than the movies and guess what Nat and Liv??? There is a Prairie Legacy series that follows Marty and Clark's grandchildren. I read the first one in a day... SO good also.
So, that's my Barnes and Noble meets the good Lord readers list. Enjoy!! :)