Luke suggested we go to Lake Placid. I agreed. Did I mention we love it there? And this story only makes it that much more dear to me??
So we headed to Lake Placid and stopped at Lake Cranberry for lunch where we took a few photos...
When we got to Lake Placid we decided to go for a hike. We enjoy doing stuff like this, so I didn't think much of it still. First we hiked near a waterfall and took lots of pictures (all of which Luke is always patient for... even when I try to crawl between stairs to get pictures of mushrooms)...
I distinctly remember thinking "man
he is so patient to wait for me to take
another stupid picture and pretend
to be interested in it when I'm done"
Next we went to some trails near Wilmington... we had a trail map... a color coded one. The kind that tells you the trails level of intensity... which we ignored. Which of course means the intensity level was "strenuous"...
So we set out to hike! We walked and walked and walked and chattered. Still, no clue on my part... then it started to get really steep... then steeper and steeeepppeeerrrrrr and then... I threw up. Seriously. Gross right? But I just have to say, any man who proposes after a girl throws up (twice) really loves her.
Anyway, I'm sure Luke will be thrilled I shared that part, but since when do I keep things from all of you???
So as I'm hoping for the top of the mountain to come soon... a very elderly couple strolls down and tells us "when you get to the .5 mile marker it just goes straight up, but the view is worth it!" While I appreciate their enthusiasm my gastrointestinal system felt a bit mocked. But we pressed on!
Once finally atop the mountain the views were incredible...
Even our feetsies are best buddies
Luke says "lets setup the camera and get a picture" to which I eagerly agree. This picture isn't great but it is the best non-sweaty one I have (or least sweaty perhaps). I look nervous because we are alarmingly close to the edge. ALARMINGLY close to the edge.
I call this one "Unsuspecting Haley"
After the picture was taken Luke gave me a great big hug and just kept hugging me. I thought he was being a little snugglier than usual and thought "awww, he's probably thinking about the deployment and just needs a few extra snuggles" (I am so clueless)
Then he says, wait for it ladies, this is smooth...
Luke "So what are you going to do with all your free time now"
Haley (because we all know she's never serious) "tehe - probably all those things I didn't do this year so I could see you!"
Luke "After that what are you going to do with your free time?"
Haley (furrowing brow) "I don't know - I'm always busy - I'm sure I'll come up with something..."
Luke "What about the free time for the rest of your life"
Haley (utterly confused and still terrified of falling) "uhh what?"
Luke "I want to ask you something"
:: super cute part of the story where Luke gets down on one knee and I shreek "don't make us fall!" ::
Luke "Will you spend the rest of your life with me? Will you marry me?"
Haley "Oh! Whaaaa... Seriousl..... YES! But wait, are you serious?"
:: then he gave me a snuggly hug around the middle and I was still scared of falling so I patted his head ::
Luke "Oh and I have something for you..."
:: Luke pulls a beautiful ring out of the side pocket of his cargo pants ::
Haley "Ohhhh! There's a ring too?"
Luke "Of course there's a ring! I'm not a hack."
(I am NOT making that up... he really said he wasn't a hack!!! I LOVE that part!)
We headed back down the mountain. Here a few snippits of some post-engagement conversations I think you'll enjoy...
Haley "Are you really sure about this? I mean I get that you're a prize but I can really be a pill" (he still said he was sure-- and I asked three times)
Haley "Oh I don't even remember... did I ever actually say 'yes'? Because I meant to"
As you can see this was a fun day for poor Luke. HAHAHAHA... that man really loves me... and I really love that man!