You guessed it - I finished the book of Genesis. I always use Google to look up fun pics when I want to blog about something. This is good and bad because you get weird stuff - like Google-ing Genesis just returns a lot of images of the creepiest band ever. So, let's get back to this piece of clip art... look at little Isaac's scared face because Poppa Abraham is about to sacrifice him... poor kid. Really funny picture though. The snake - check him out - up to NO good. Joseph's coat is way cute, but my FAVORITE is Eve's oak leaf bikini!!! Hahaha. I do think there is one thing missing... Esua. I think it would be great to see him featured here because every time I think about him I picture a biblical yeti. Anyone else see that???

Enough of the images, let's get down to business. I LOVE the book of Genesis. It has always been one of my favorites. I've read it several times and get more and more out of it each time. One thing I can't help but sit and wonder about is this: first, those people were so blessed to get to walk with God, to physically commune with Him. Can you image seeing Him and getting to go for a stroll??? Good grief! I can hardly wrap my mind around all of that awesomeness. The second, is sad - does it seem like every generation, from the beginning to the present, gets further and further from God? I was pretty bummed about this, but then I read something in my Beth Moore study that got me to thinking... God gave us free will. This is a dangerous gift. For anyone who has children or is close to an irresponsible person - it is SO hard to trust someone who continually proves themselves untrustworthy - and then to give them free will to continue to make their own decisions. Wow, He loves us! Sometimes we make good decisions and when we do we draw near to Him we are blessed (probably with some typical "blessings" but mostly by knowing Him and being in His presence). Sometimes; however, we make bad decisions. God never moves, never changes, so it is our sin that pushes us away, or we pull away from God (this sucks), BUT because He is so glorious and created such a flawless plan (that's how you know it's Him!!!) He made forgiveness. When do you feel closest to God? Most likely it's when you've done something, or have an epiphany about your "human condition", and realize the wonder and glory of forgiveness... so then you draw nearer to Him and you're blessed again. Now tell me a human mind that could come up with that plan? There isn't one. Isn't that awesome??? He is so good to us.
Hi Haley Wester! Nice blog. Beautiful images. Wish you all the best.
hey...im going through a beth moore bible study that has me going through Genesis too...are you reading A Womans Heart?