This is water off a duck's back... it's very zen. ;) My former boss, and still dear friend, Brad "Poppa Bear" Kendrick is the master of water off a duck's back. Like a little grasshopper I wander to the hill he sits on everyday and hope to glean some understanding of life. Most days I miss, but every once in a while I hit it out of the park. This isn't one of those days, but God hit it out of the park for me today...
I've been praying about my attitude. Most of the time my external attitude is ok, but internally I don't feel so optimistic or so joyful... and I rarely feel content. Yikes, right? Because when you lose your peace, you lose the battle. Satan sets us up to get us upset... hmmm. So, I've been praying for an "attitude of gratitude" and make a conscious effort to be more positive. I'm a firm believer in that fact that everyone has the ability to check their emotions and attitudes at the door, each and every day (yes some days it is hard than others).
Well, today I was on my way to work and a dear friend (and co-worker) called me... because the fire alarm went off and he just wanted to make sure I wasn't there yet and not stuck inside somewhere. Isn't that kind?
I was annoyed with myself because I was running a little late... but then something happened in the car... I was sort of working out my day with God... and singing loudly (and horribly) with the radio... and it hit me... I am so content I can hardly stand it!
Let's rewind for a second... this past weekend was Tax-Free Weekend in TX. As I was leaving work on Friday my boss asked if I was going to buy anything and I said "no, 8.25% isn't really a big sale and I honestly don't need anything" and he said something that, honestly, annoyed me at the time "Wow, that's a good place to be in life." Why was I annoyed? Because my attitude about being "successful" still sucked as of Friday. That's just me keepin' it real.
I mulled over this conversation all weekend... you know what? It all came together this morning in the car... do I have debt? Yes, and it stresses me out in a way I can't describe. Do I own a home? No, and I long for a place to live where I can paint the walls. Am I married? Nope, and not even dating! Do I have children? I hope we all know the answer given the previous question!! Am I at my dream job? Probably not. There are a lot of things I don't have or do have that I may want (or want to get rid of). BUT, there is nothing that I need. All of my needs are met... I have food in tummy, a roof over my head, a reliable car (and let's all pray that holds out for 5 more years!), clothes for my body (probably more than I need), and most importantly... I have something to do (my job), something to love (my friends, my family, my Lord), and I serve a good God. I felt such an overwhelming sense of blessing (or Hakuna Mattata for you Lion King fans) that I felt so full I could burst!!!
In the last few months I have had the unique and wonderful blessing of adding new people, activities, and opportunities to my life. Several of these things contributed to my abundant blessing feeling (God alone was my sense of contentment - the rest is just bonus, baby!)... and I counted them as blessing, BIG TIME, this morning. I realized something later... remember that "little" covenant I made with God at the end of June? I have been pretty good about keeping it... and all of those amazing new blessings have happened in my life since then! You know why? Because when you make time for God, He makes time for you (and all the things that truly matter in you life)!
This is me, praying that you are all peaceful ALL DAY EVERY DAY!!!
*Side Note #1: I am truly and deeply grateful for all of my blessings not listed - i.e. the old blessings, like my dear friends and family!!!
**Side Note #2: A few "bad things" happened today and none of them phased me. Yay Jesus!
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