Saturday, December 19, 2009


271 miles... that is the distance between Waco, TX and Natchitoches, LA. Several people have commented on how much I've driven (and will again for Christmas) these sometimes long and always barren miles through the east Texas piney woods. The most recent trip was a painful one... when I arrived my Dad expressed his regret for all the miles I've logged lately. I think they're easy, especially when you put them in the context of our lives over the last 26 years...

518... that's the number of miles from Natchitoches, LA to Marshfield, MO. For all the summers of my life my Dad and Carol have made that trip.... most of which they drove all the way up and picked up my brother and I, brought us back to Louisiana, then turned around one or two weeks later and did it again to bring us back to Missouri. Maybe you don't understand the gravity of this... EVERY summer for 15 years my father sacrificed his entire vacation to drive 2072 miles to see his kids. Imagine not taking a real vacation for 15 years just to see your kids. Now that's love. So, the very least I can do is make a mini-pilgrimage home from time to time. This song always reminds me of our summers...

Highway 20 Ride - Zac Brown Band
(see the widget in the side bar to listen)

Thanks Dad! I love you!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Driving Home

A few weeks ago I went to Louisiana. I met my cousin, Layna, there to help my grandmother (and my Dad and aunts and uncles for that matter). My granny recently had surgery for a pacemaker that didn't go well... so Layna and I met there to clean and sort and organize and just generally pitch in. I love Granny and the memories I made that weekend will last a lifetime. I also learned a few very important life lessons in my alone time with her. They aren't blog appropriate, but I assure you she taught me the importance of making "permanent" decisions. 

On the way home I got to see some of the most beautiful Texas skies.... enjoy! 

Now a storm is moving in... 

I will never understand how mankind can look at the heavens and not KNOW there is a God.


I haven't blogged in forever! Let me catch you up on the quilting stuff... 

Here is the second block from the red/white/blue block of the month quilt:

This is a really really ridiculously cute wall hanging (or table runner or whatever else you want to use it for) that I made for Natalie. She loves America like I do and this is so country/chic/cute how could I not give it to her??? (and her love language is gifts - so I love you Nat!):

Monday, August 24, 2009


This is water off a duck's back... it's very zen. ;)  My former boss, and still dear friend, Brad "Poppa Bear" Kendrick is the master of water off a duck's back. Like a little grasshopper I wander to the hill he sits on everyday and hope to glean some understanding of life. Most days I miss, but every once in a while I hit it out of the park. This isn't one of those days, but God hit it out of the park for me today... 

I've been praying about my attitude. Most of the time my external attitude is ok, but internally I don't feel so optimistic or so joyful... and I rarely feel content. Yikes, right? Because when you lose your peace, you lose the battle. Satan sets us up to get us upset... hmmm. So, I've been praying for an "attitude of gratitude" and make a conscious effort to be more positive. I'm a firm believer in that fact that everyone has the ability to check their emotions and attitudes at the door, each and every day (yes some days it is hard than others). 

Well, today I was on my way to work and a dear friend (and co-worker) called me... because the fire alarm went off and he just wanted to make sure I wasn't there yet and not stuck inside somewhere. Isn't that kind? 

I was annoyed with myself because I was running a little late... but then something happened in the car... I was sort of working out my day with God... and singing loudly (and horribly) with the radio... and it hit me... I am so content I can hardly stand it! 

Let's rewind for a second... this past weekend was Tax-Free Weekend in TX. As I was leaving work on Friday my boss asked if I was going to buy anything and I said "no, 8.25% isn't really a big sale and I honestly don't need anything" and he said something that, honestly, annoyed me at the time "Wow, that's a good place to be in life." Why was I annoyed? Because my attitude about being "successful" still sucked as of Friday. That's just me keepin' it real. 

I mulled over this conversation all weekend... you know what? It all came together this morning in the car... do I have debt? Yes, and it stresses me out in a way I can't describe. Do I own a home? No, and I long for a place to live where I can paint the walls. Am I married? Nope, and not even dating! Do I have children? I hope we all know the answer given the previous question!! Am I at my dream job? Probably not. There are a lot of things I don't have or do have that I may want (or want to get rid of). BUT, there is nothing that I need. All of my needs are met... I have food in tummy, a roof over my head, a reliable car (and let's all pray that holds out for 5 more years!), clothes for my body (probably more than I need), and most importantly... I have something to do (my job), something to love (my friends, my family, my Lord), and I serve a good God. I felt such an overwhelming sense of blessing (or Hakuna Mattata for you Lion King fans) that I felt so full I could burst!!! 

In the last few months I have had the unique and wonderful blessing of adding new people, activities, and opportunities to my life. Several of these things contributed to my abundant blessing feeling (God alone was my sense of contentment - the rest is just bonus, baby!)... and I counted them as blessing, BIG TIME, this morning. I realized something later... remember that "little" covenant I made with God at the end of June? I have been pretty good about keeping it... and all of those amazing new blessings have happened in my life since then! You know why? Because when you make time for God, He makes time for you (and all the things that truly matter in you life)! 

This is me, praying that you are all peaceful ALL DAY EVERY DAY!!! 

*Side Note #1: I am truly and deeply grateful for all of my blessings not listed - i.e. the old blessings, like my dear friends and family!!! 

**Side Note #2: A few "bad things" happened today and none of them phased me. Yay Jesus! 

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Quilts, again!

This is what became of that pile of "boy" fabric from a few posts back. Exciting, huh? When I realized how many quilts I was about to finish and how VERY expensive it is to have them quilted I decided to hand quilt this one and the pink one... that may end up being a very bad idea. I started it today and will try to post pictures when it is finally done. 

Recently, Lisa talked me into doing a quilt block-of-the-month with her. They are really cheap, but you only get a block a month... since I finished the above quilt (cut and sewed) in an afternoon this will likely be a test in patience for me. It is a red/white/blue quilt and this is our August block:

*It really is square. The camera angle is just bad. 

Summer Cookies

So just what can you make with all this stuff??? About a million-billion cookies!! It made like 30 cookies per box of cake mix. This is how they turned out:

Delicious, right? 

So here is the recipe:

1/4 cup butter or margarine, softened
1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened
1 egg yolk
1/4 tsp. vanilla
1 pkg. cake mix

Cream butter and cream cheese. Blend in egg yolk ad vanilla. Add dry cake mix 1/3 at a time, mixing well after each addition. Cover and chill for 1 hour. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto ungreased baking sheet. Bake for about 8-12 minutes, or until light golden brown. 

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Adventures in Pottery

A few weeks ago my dear friend Mary had her two precious nieces for a few days. They called me one evening and invited me out to paint pottery. I made an ice cream bowl (for someone else, since we all know I rarely eat it): 

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blanket Palooza

Thank you for all of your sweet comments about my last post! I am finally mailing Olivia's blanket tomorrow. I mentioned a few other blankets I am currently working on, so check it out...

The Andersons are having twins - a boy and a girl. This is the baby girl blanket (just the top) and I am adding a border in that pink/white polka dot fabric:

Since they are twins I am using the same quilt pattern for the baby boy quilt, but obviously in little boy fabrics:

Could that top fabric with the little blue foot prints be a little more precious??? Uh yeah, I think not!!! 

So when I want to watch TV and do something (like when I get a new Desperate Housewives disk from NetFlix) I crochet. I can crochet and watch TV, but I can't quilt a straight line and watch TV. Any-who this post is not about my short comings, but the projects you all are so very interested in, so without further ado, this is my afghan (that's right I am making something for me):

It is about 40% complete... it is SUPER soft, super fluffy, and super wonderful. As my dear friend and partner in Domestic Diva Day (that's what we call Saturdays spent quilting or in search of fabric), Lisa, would say... it is the tallest afghan ever! I have good reason... I have a long body... I wouldn't marry anyone who didn't have a long body and I plan on keeping this thing for a very long time... 'nough said?  ;) 

Friday, July 24, 2009

Baby Blankets Abound

Is there anything more precious and sweet than a baby? Nope! The DeVizia's are having one!! Actually I think everyone is pregnant, but this blanket is for little baby DeVizia! Congratulations Adam and Olivia.

Actually making baby blankets is pretty much all I've been doing lately... that and reading the Bible... and working... I picked a pattern for the Anderson twins' blankets. Same pattern, but one in pink and one in blue (because they are having one of each!). I finished the top of the girl's quilt and I think I'll pick fabric for the boy's tomorrow. 

I'll write more about the reading tomorrow... but we're in 1 Kings people --- 1/4 of the way through! 

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Reading Recap...

I posted ever so briefly that I finished Joshua, Judges, and Ruth (I'm close on 1 Samuel!), but I wanted to share some things with you:


"O sun, stand still over Gibeon,
O moon, over the valley of Aijalon.
So the sun stood still,
and the moon stopped" (10:12-13)

God listens to prayers of sincerity. I don't like to take things out of context, so I should point out that it goes on to say there has not been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to man. I am confident it means listens to a command from man in that way. Anyway, He listens to prayers from your heart. Then. Now. Always. Other than the gift of salvation I'm not sure there is anything more comforting to know. 


I enjoyed Judges. Honestly, I'm a little surprised people don't reference it more! I think it is pretty clear that all the verses referencing "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit." is a VERY accurate description of the mindset at the time. Poor Israel... what where you thinking? Or maybe all the years this book covers are like the choices we make every day. Rebel, punishment, wander back to God, happiness.... rebellion, pain, God, happiness. When will we ever get the point??? 

Deborah's song. Not my thing, but this is a good excerpt: 

"...may they who love You be like the sun,
when it rises in its strength" (5:31)

Jephthah - why don't more people know who he is? I can honestly say, even if it is with a certain amount of shame, I had NO IDEA who he was... not a single stinking clue. Jephthah was an underdog turned warrior who baled Israel out (who didn't have to do that)... BUT Jephthah makes a vow to the Lord... "If you give the Ammonites into my hands, what comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord's, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering" (11:30-31). Can anyone see where this is dangerous?? Are you with me on the gravity of this?? So when Jephthah returns home what should greet him but is one and only child, his precious daughter. His precious virgin, unmarried daughter. Jephthah is heartbroken and tells Mizpah (the daughter) about his vow. Mizpah not only understands, but comforts her father! She makes a request to hang out in the mountains for 2 months with her friends crying about dying an unmarried virgin (can you blame her??) and then returns to become a burnt offering. Now that's a commitment to doing the right thing!! More people need to study this woman. 


Oh the book of Ruth. Women love this book. It is almost as close to the heart of a woman as Esther or Proverbs 31. The book of Ruth is the first book I ever read in the Bible, and I've read it several times since. She is a woman of character, so much so Boaz had heard about her - not her beauty, not her body, not her brain - her character long before he met her. Let me share some different insights with you that what we normally talk about... 

1. Ruth was a Moabite. If you're read any of the books prior to Ruth you know who the Israelites were told NOT to hang out with... not just the surrounding pagan peoples, but often, specifically not the Moabites. Naomi's sons married Moabite women, against God's command I might add, but when Naomi is rendered a sonless widow, who sticks with her? Ruth, the Moabite. And what sacrifices does Ruth make? Her people, her life, her gods. A Moabite gave up her entire life to follow her mother-in-law to a God she didn't know. Now, a few of you have mother-in-laws, the rest of us have interactions with someone else's mother that made us know why there are mother-in-law jokes... she followed her mother-in-law... whew, praise Jesus for that commitment! Anyway, the thing that really struck me was this - although God clearly chose Israel and set them apart, even warned them about the pagan Moabites, He not loved Ruth for her faithfulness, character, and commitment, but blessed her to the point of putting her in the lineage of Jesus! Why is this important? To me, it is one of the first signs that God would send Jesus for the Gentiles as much as the Jews.... because He loves us. And because He loves us, no one is outside of salvation as long as they are willing to give up their life and follow God. 

2. Redeeming. Boaz knows there is a kinsman redeemer closer to Ruth and it is the LAW that he has first rights to her. The law reigned supreme in those days, so you bet Boaz was going to respect that. Long story short, the kinsmen redeemer can't put his family line at risk by "redeeming" Ruth so Boaz does. Why is this important??? Because dear children, just like everything else in the Christian life... you will NEVER be redeemed by the law, you will only be redeemed by Christ! That is so beautiful to me. I can't even tell you what a special place that thought has in my heart. Nothing you or I or the law can ever do will save you, will redeem you, only the Lord can do that. Let that soak in! 

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Joshua, Judges, Ruth

Stand back... I'm on a roll. 

I also finished the top for a baby quilt (I'll post pictures when I finish quilting it) and almost finished another. My friend Lisa and I had Domestic Diva Saturday. We are the only people who are awake before 8am on a Saturday and decided to put that time to good use... quilting and talking! 

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I chose this picture because:

1. I took it...
2. It is just another example of what God does in His "free time"
3. It reminds me of the Promised Land

Speaking of which... I did it... I finished the Pentateuch (first five books of the Old Testament)! So, let's do a quick recap:

  • Genesis - I have always LOVED this book. This is easily one of my favorites. I learn something new each time
  • Exodus - As long as I live I will always get shivers when I read the words, "let my people go"
  • Leviticus - Lord, this was purely an act of faithfulness, and that's ok! 
  • Numbers - most people don't enjoy this book much, but I enjoyed it SO much!!! Ok, the census was a little wordy, but I thoroughly enjoyed the "stories".
  • Deuteronomy - I was just so excited about learning more about God and being in the Word that it flew by! 
Now I am SO excited about Joshua! I know you're all tired of hearing this, but one more time: one of my favorite things about God is that He ALWAYS works things out in a way so that you know it is Him working!!! So Joshua always immediately makes me think about God stilling the sun in the sky... whoa... I wouldn't even think of that as an option! Isn't it amazing how God works??? 


4th of July in Missouri

A special thanks to Natalie and Frank (and Tug) for letting me visit them this past weekend! We were able to see one of the best fireworks shows of all time. It was so amazing!! I happen to think the Fourth of July is right up there with Christmas - easily my two favorite holidays. This year was particularly wonderful! I was able to share it with Natalie and her family. They are all such wonderful people (I just love that little Cooper!). My dear friend Ashley came to visit too! We all got to share something even more amazing than the fireworks show though... we were all present when many many souls came to know Jesus at the I Love America festival. Mmmm mmmm, is there anything better than knowing the Kingdom grew?? I think not!

Here is a picture of myself and my dearest friend, Natalie:

It was SO kind of her to allow me to come to the station and watch her tape live on Friday morning. Not only was it wonderful to see her, but I learned so much! That lady works HARD! Don't let her effortless beauty and style fool you - she may have been born for this job, but I promise you, she's professional! 

Now here's a picture of my favorite married couple:

Better people you have never met. When I arrived late Thursday Frank was kind enough to stay up and chat with me for a while. I have always said that I won't marry anyone who can't pass the Frank and Natalie test, and boy do I mean that! 

I got to see Natalie's sweet Momma too. I am so proud of her!! She has had to be very very brave lately and has taken it all very well. Spending time with Natalie's nieces and nephews was so special, they are just loads of fun.

All in all I would say it was an AMAZING weekend! To top it off - on my journey back to the South I stopped at an antique store...

Back Story: I've been wanting a coffee table but I wanted wood and glass. Apparently if a coffee table is wood, there is not glass, or if it has a glass top it is made of iron. I took matters into my own hands... I turned this window:

into this table....

Is it good? I hope everyone out there had an equally wonderful (and blessed!) holiday! 

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Nat VanGogh

This is Natalie, Natalie is one of my favorite people in the history of the world. Seriously. Guess what I get to do this weekend? I get to see Natalie - actually even better, I get to hang out with Natalie and her fabulous husband Frank, and the cutest bulldog on the block... Tug! 

In other news... I started week one of my new Beth Moore Bible study... Living Beyond Yourself: Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit. It is a 10 week study, but I'm only doing a week's worth at the first of the month and then focusing on the fruit for the rest of the month. 

Also, I got a random message from a friend I haven't talked to in over a year... HUGE blessing! I've missed talking to this person, so yay! The Lord works in the most mysterious ways... =) 

In other news... after talking to three separate people today I should say this: 
  • I am SO blessed to have people who care about me so much
  • I am SO blessed to hear the following things today: 
::phone ringing::
H: Hey girl!
M: You better be reading your Bible- stat - I'm just saying there is nothing wrong with speed reading - like NOW!

C: You know, there is a loophole in this covenant you've made. I'll let you know if you're interested...

N: You better be reading if you ever want to date again.

  • Haha-- I love you guys because I know they were all meant to help and uplift - or just to make me laugh!!! =) 

So, yeah the reading is going well! Thanks for the concern - haha. I love you guys! 

Oh and Natalie's last name is VanGogh because we took Art I Honors together in high school. Well, it wasn't really an honors class so much as just Art I and the room was too small for everyone to paint so we got moved to a classroom where Art IV was being taught. So, we decided that made our little group an Honors course. Makes sense, right? Remind me and I'll post a picture of Natalie and I with our paintings - I have on in my room =) 

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wooooot Woooot!

Does anyone know what these are??? They are numbers... why am I posting them? Because I finished that book of the Bible today... woo hoo!

That is all... because I have to be at work by 5am, so I better sleep.

Also, I need a serious attitude adjustment - I need to be a happier more grateful person and I would like for God to just "magically" make this happen and not through any sort of loss or pain, so if you could pray for that and be specific, that would be great! haha =)  

Monday, June 29, 2009

Dance Party

My friend Mary and I are two of the only people I know who have "Dance Party" (well I think one of you does, but you only do it in stand up tanning booths???). Any time I'm really low, or really happy, I like to bust a move... I'm serious and I have a point, so hang with me. I've ALWAYS done this in the privacy of my own home. Usually at the end of a stressful day or when I am really happy (I danced every day for 4 straight days after my first date with GI Joe)-- I just turn up the radio or put in a CD and dance!!! DANCE!!! DaNcE!!! My taste in dance party sound tracks is eclectic - especially since no one can see me so it doesn't matter. Well, I told Mary about this a long long long time ago and she was all about takin' it to the streets... whoa tiger, was my response... but alas, many months ago I caved and went to a dance club. I wouldn't say I've been a public dancer since, but I would say that I've been exposed to more varied music if you will. Why am I telling you this??? So you'll understand why I would know any lyrics to a song we're about to talk about... 

... so picture it, Mary and I are out - she's dancing, I'm watching her back (if you don't believe me ask her- this is how it goes 99% of the time)... anyway, a "new" song had just come out which blew up on the club scene... I promise you it is called Stanky Legg. Whatever you do, DO NOT Google this song. Don't listen to it, don't read the lyrics, it makes me feel dirty to know I ever heard it. Anyway... Mary and I exchange equally confused glances and then we hear this set of lyrics:

Now you can lean wit it,
now you can drop wit it.
You can switch to the other leg and you can stop wit it.
Now get it, get it (4x)
Now hit the booty do, hit the booty do (2x)
Now you can get wit it, you can get wit it. (2x)

Now, I don't honestly know what any of it means, but when I heard the phrase "booty do" I laughed so hard I cried. I literally wept right there in public because this was so ridiculous! Ever since then Mary and I joke about this.

Now, pan ahead to today... Mary and I both have BlackBerries, so we have a sort of Instant Messenger feature on them allowing us to communicate in real time. We mostly just abuse this to share meaningless garbage with each other, but today, today I was in fine form. Here is the log from that conversation, Enjoy!! (and yes I did laugh at my own joke - I know I'm pathetic)

Mary!: OMG. I just saw a woman eating a chicken wing finish it and then throw it down in the parking lot!
Haley: She was just walking around eating a chicken wing???
Mary!: Yes.
Mary!: Well, leaving the store.
Haley: That is far more horrifying to me than her throwing it down
Mary!: All bad and horrifying
Haley: She's probably the one person in the world who actually knows what the expression "do the booty do" means. Maybe you should try to interview her.

I told you I was in fine form today! 

Rain, Numbers, and Fruits

It rained today. A lot. But only for a little while. I decided to sit on my "porch" (I say porch like it is allegedly a porch because it is really just a 4 foot wide chunk of concrete in front of my apartment) and read some Numbers. I'm half-way through it... woot! I took this picture of the rain during a Coca-Cola break. Does a day really get better than God and Coke? I think not. As someone who loves baths and showers I often wonder if the Earth feels the same renewal that we do when we are washed clean... it's a nice thought anyway. 

One of my good friends keeps a Haley quote list (I'm dead serious)... anyway, after telling her I was giving up men, this conversation happened, and I thought you might enjoy:

M: H, you act like you're addicted to crack
H: At least I would have known crack was bad for me, men, toxic men that is, don't come with warning labels you know! 
M: That's going in your quote list
H: It should go in everyone's quote list! 

I'm just a giant ball of sunshine aren't I??? Haha! 

Oh I made a happy discovery today!!! You know I love Beth Moore, and you know God uses her to speak to so many of us... I was at a Lifeway store today and I saw this:

It's like she's inside my head!!! It is an entire study based on Galations 5:22-23... which I assume you all know is SO close to my heart!!! I didn't buy it, but I will soon. I'm almost done with 90 Days with the One and Only. Anyway, I was VERY excited. Each fruit has it's own week in this study and since I usually devote a month to each, I'll probably just do the study the first week of each month, sounds good right? Yay! =) 

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Halicious, Party of One

After many suggestions to make my own blog background from my photos, etc. I did it! I used my new favorite photo and some of my favorite quotes. I hope it shows up correctly on your monitors! I added this photo because I like it and I hope you will too. 

Now on to today's topic (oh, and one of my friends calls me Halicious- that's where that came from): 

I'm a firm believer in the fact that if we all spent as much time becoming the right person as we do looking for the right person, the world would be a better place. I would probably have been Mother Theresa years ago, actually. Anyway, it's time for me to put my money where my mouth is (there is actually an emoticon for this saying =$, weird right? also weird is that it sometimes translates to the "embarrassed" face, like on BlackBerries) ... I mentioned to a friend that I was swearing off men (dating, talking to (obviously this doesn't include family and co-workers), flirting with, or thinking about) for a period of time. I feel like I've dated a lot lately... I really haven't by most peoples' standards, but I am worn slap out from it! Plus, it hasn't gone that well... and it appears that I haven't really liked at least one of them (uh, never a good sign)... so, it is time for some reprioritization and a chance to gain perspective. What is an appropriate amount of time to take a dating sabbatical?? Originally, I decided something between 30-90 days... because let's be honest, it is pretty hard to not even think about the opposite sex for very long, so 30-90 days seems fair. 

Well guess what? Life isn't about fair now is it... so let's step up the game. Make the stakes a little higher shall we??? You regular followers know that I'm reading through the Bible from cover to cover in that order (it will sadly be the first time I've read through in that order). So, that's my goal - not 30 days, not 60 days, not 90 days, because it isn't about time, it's about fulfillment. So, I'm not dating or thinking about dating, or talking about dating, or thinking about talking about dating until I've read the Good Book cover to cover. If you'll look at my previous posts I just finished Leviticus (book 3... of 56) and I've been reading an average of a book per month... in other words... I either commit, or I'll start dating again in November of 2013... I'll be 30.5 years old then. If I devote the time I spend thinking about or talking to men to becoming a better person, I think this will work out. I'll let you know how it goes... 

For your enjoyment, and because when I can laugh at myself I'm all about sharing it, you should know Amy Winehouse was piping out these words as I typed this blog entry...

"They tried to make me go to rehab... and I said no, no, no... " 

I. LOVE. Irony. 

Saturday, June 27, 2009


This is really my Bible (in case you were wondering). Perhaps a better title for this post would have been something like, "Wheeeww, thank you Lord, I am free at last!" I know some things don't seem ok to say, but I am firm believer in the fact that the Lord knows my heart and can sometimes use my shortcomings to help others. 

Most of what I learned happens to coincide with this month's fruit... for those who don't know, I am an avid lover of Galations 5:22-23:

"but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law."

a long time ago I decided to pick a "fruit of the month" and really pray about it for an entire month. It should be noted, rather humorously I might add, the last one I prayed about was patience-- I'm still waiting. This month's fruit was self-control, or self-discipline. The good Lord tested my self-discipline this month by making sure I committed to the commitment of finishing this book. I will say that Old Testament customs are quite different, but it gives a great basis to understand what will happen next. 

After all, who can really understand where they're going without fully understanding where they've been??? Plus, those who don't understand history are doomed to repeat it. 

Vacation ????

Where do I start friends... I should be in Miami... I should be, but I'm not. I flew out of San Antonio to see a certain someone, and that's where the trouble began. My flight from SA was late, so I missed my connection in New Orleans and would miss the connection in Atlanta as well. No problem, United assured me... so I flew to New Orleans... where I got trapped for some 36 hours before someone was kind enough to tell me that this was a sinking ship. So I decide to head back home. As I am at the ticket counter my cell phone tweets indicating a text message. Knowing me as most of you do, and consequently knowing that while I am very blessed I am the least lucky human being ever, just what do you think this text message said??? 

"I know you're on vacation and I hate to do this, but I don't think we should see each other any more." 

Hahaha! I just laughed and said, "you know what, you are absolutely right". Needless to say there was much responding about my greatness and how it was a distance issue and nothing more, etc. etc. But it really made me laugh. So, I flew back, jumped in my car and was Waco bound (some vacation right?) but decided to stop along the way and just take some pictures and enjoy the time off. 

Before I let you enjoy the pictures you have to know something that happened later... a friend who felt particularly sympathetic decides to take me to our favorite place so I can wallow in self pity for about 5 minutes, and then get on with my life... we walk through the door and who stands just feet in front of me? My own personal G.I. Joe... you guess it ladies and gents, Mr. Brown himself! Who could make that up? I smiled and kept walking, but eventually we sat and talked for a bit. In case you want to know how it went, read on, if not enjoy the great picture I snapped below!

::after a lot of talking::
Me: So then I got a text message that said ___ 
Brown: He said that on a text message? Like a text... message... ? 
Me: Are YOU really judging???
Brown: Point taken. 
Me: What the heck is wrong with all of you?!?! 
Brown: There's only one of you Wester, there are a million of us.
Me: What the freak does that mean? There's one you. There's one me. That's what it means to be an individual.
Brown: No, see that's what YOU don't understand about this. It's not that you're funny, really funny actually, or smart, or outgoing, or that you love to make people happy, or that you're beautiful... it's that you are all of those things and they're not even the best things about you... like how you love the Lord more than anyone or anything, or how you did the hardest thing at the worst time (I'll assume he's talking about offering someone a ride home there- good grief), or that you would do anything for anyone - even a stranger, or that you would stand here and talk to me of all people, it's that you do all of those things all of the time. He wasn't special, I'm not special, we (pointing around the room) are all the same, but you're different, and why someone like you would be interested in one of us, is something we can't understand.

Now ladies, I'm talking to you here, what do you think should be my reaction to this??? Wait for it... wait for my eloquent reply...

Me: I hate you. 
Brown: (utter disbelief) What?!
Me: I. Hate. You. 
Brown: You're serious, aren't you.
Me: You know what? Maybe I am. How dare you! How dare you look at me like that... and, and how dare you say that to me... and how dare you NOT get that if I'm so great - which I am! - then I wouldn't have wasted my time with you if you weren't! Good grief, where are the Band of Brothers, men!!! 

Yes, that actually happened, but this is where it gets funny...

Brown: Band of Brothers, Wester? 

and then we both just look at each other and cracked up laughing... and laughed... and laughed. It is the most I've laughed in the longest time! Then I decided to leave... 

Brown: H, if anyone deserved a vacation it was you. You deserve for good things to happen to you. I don't understand why they aren't right now, but you deserve it more than anyone. 
Me: Thanks. It's really okay now... now that it is funny! I mean really... this will make a top notch chapter in my memoir one day. Hey, you know I forgive you right? 
Brown: Yeah I know.
Me: Good- I forgot that we were good friends. I don't hate you by the way.
Brown: I knew you already felt bad about that. You could hate me if you wanted. 
Me: Nah. Good-bye

So now that that is over, let's get optimistic shall we??? I took this lovely picture on my way back to Waco. Don't you just love it? You can feel the sunshine, and the heat, and most importantly... the promise of a new day! A better day!!! (Today is a better day, FYI)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Domestic Diva...

I love to cook... and to clean... and to garden... and to farm (no seriously)... and to spend time in the Word... and to enjoy the people I care about... well today, had to be one of the best days ever! Of course, part of that is because after tomorrow I am on vacation until next Tuesday (I've never actually really taken a vacation without having to work while I was there - isn't that odd???). 

The following two posts are about what I cooked and why ;) but I wanted to give a shout out to Natalie and Rebecca and tell you both that I picked this apron (and wore it while cooking tonight):

I LOVE it - don't you? I also replaced the knobs on my night stands from plain ones to these:

I'm packed (shorts- which I didn't own until this weekend, swimsuits, books, sunscreen, and a "don't hit on me" stare), my toes are painted - probably the most critical task to accomplish before embarking on ANY beach vacation:

and I am ready to go!!! 

I am about to spend some time in the Word (yay!) and then hit the hay. I got to talk to some of my FAVORITE people today: Natalie, Emily, Brad, Cort, Clay, my new friend who wrote me a sweet email and talked to me after work for a long time today (she and I have had a long road to friendship, but I'm so glad it has finally happened!), and of course CC (I need a more inventive nickname for him - I'll work on that... I'm disappointed in my lack of creativity now). I had dinner with Mary at my favorite place (before I did all the insane cooking). 

For those of you who have never seen Band of Brothers - you are really missing something. I've always loved that series, but because Mary watched it recently and we talked about it a lot I decided to watch it again. I finished the last one last night - INCREDIBLE! There is a quote that really means a lot to me, I'll share it and say goodnight everyone!! 

"That night, I took time to thank God for seeing me through that Day of Days . . . and prayed that I would make it through D plus one.  And if somehow, I managed to get home again, I promised God and myself, that I would find a quiet piece of land someplace and spend the rest of my life in peace."  
–Major Richard Winters

I promise you, that in no uncertain terms, if I heard a man say that I would marry him, no questions asked - haha! After all, it would fulfill the requirements: loves the Lord, works hard, intelligent, likes the country, and has an attitude of gratitude! 

Crawfish Etouffee

It is hard to believe, but there are people alive who have never eaten crawfish. I won't name names, but I can't imagine how CC has made it -- number of years on this planet (it is really more for my benefit than his that I blocked the age - haha! Also, it should be noted that I was originally going to put XX as the year filler but realized that is the roman numeral for 20 and didn't want ANYONE to think that was the case, funny nevertheless), lived in the South, and never eaten a crawfish. So, since I'm visiting this person tomorrow (before heading to Miami with Emily) I decided to make crawfish etouffee. Here's what I started with (*Please note this is ALL of the counter space in my kitchen - I promise I am not exaggerating or being dramatic. I'll post a picture of my kitchen sometime and you'll understand why it's amazing that I can turn, let alone cook in there):

I melted 1/2 stick of butter in my pot then chopped up bell peppers (1/4 c. of red and 1/4c. of green), 1/2 c of onions, and 1/4 c. of celery and added them in:

Then, add 1/2 c. of tomatoes (without any juice), 2 bay leaves, and 3 cloves of garlic:

Cook on medium-high for about 7 minutes (until the vegetables are tender), stirring constantly so nothing burns or sticks:

Slowly mix in 3/4 c. of white flour to make a roux. It should have a "sticky" consistency: 

Add 1 lb. of crawfish tails (with fat and juice - healthy right?) and 2 Tablespoons of tomato paste:

Slowly add 3-4 c. of stock (chicken is ok, but seafood is preferred) until the consistency is that of a thick sauce. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and stir occasionally for about 25-30 minutes, adding stock as necessary to keep the thickness:

Finally, add 1/4 c. parsley and 1/4 c. green onions:

Stir it all together:

While your etouffee is cooking you should make some plain white rice. When that is done, scoop the rice into a bowl and serve the etouffee on top:

...and it tastes even better than it looks! 

Natalie's Famous Brownie-Cookie-Extravaganza

This is the dessert portion of my cooking extravaganza. I got this recipe from Natalie. I have to say- I have the smallest, almost non-existent, sweet tooth you will ever find, but this- this is a good recipe. I ate one bite and divided the rest up... most of it goes to the office, but a few brownies go to San Antonio ;) where they belong. 

First, start with brownie mix, chocolate chip cookie dough, and chocolate icing - and possible a paramedic in case you slip into a sugar coma.
This entire dessert costs about $4 to make. Natalie made her own cookie dough, but I cheated because I was also going to be making the crawfish etouffee and felt I deserved it. 

Mix the brownies according to the box, spread in a pan and add cookie dough (I used a clear pan so you could see the magic happen!) 

Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes at 350 degrees (while you're making dinner) and voila:

Finally, ice the brownie/cookies and enjoy: