Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Dream Home

This is my dream home. EVERYTHING about it. Seriously. I love the style, the grey stone, the green colored shingle siding, the bright white trim... I LOVE it. The actual house plan was larger but I edited part of it out of the photo. Why am I posting this? Because Natalie talked about pieces of a dream home in a recent blog and I like it when we all share similar things. I actually love reading my friends' blogs because I learn so much about them. Anyway, there is another reason.... I hope to buy some land next year. Since this house was clearly designed for a life I do not currently have (unless it comes with the Hugh Jackman-esque husband and 2.4 kids???) I wanted to take the long way to getting there. True to form I have a plan (and true to form I assume God has a different plan, so I'm flexible on this). Anyway, here it goes: 

Step 1 - buy the perfect piece of land

Step 2 - build a decent sized garage with an apartment above it - I can live there until I can afford to build the house (and find the family). An idea of what I want to build is below, but obviously I want it to match the house so image the grey stone, white trim, and green shingle siding from above...

Step 3 - build house

Step 4 - fill it with boys (that sounds weird but what I mean is: get married, have lots of sons)

Step 5 - let our aging family members live in said garage apartment when they get too old to live alone. 

Anyone who really knows me probably almost died when they read step 5. I can't think of anything I would have fought more in the past than that, BUT as I've watched my Dad and StepMom take care of their parents recently, it's the right thing to do. I already told them that I would make it 2 bedrooms, plenty of space, close enough to care for them, and far enough away from the main house for privacy. It's a darn good plan if I do say so myself...  :) ... oh and Trae, if you read this, I would let the Kendricks live there after my parents, well you know... =P 

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The H List

If Oprah can have an "O" List, I can have an H-List. So here are some amazing things I think everyone should own (probably most are geared for girls though...):

First, is of course, a Coke product. I LOVE Coca-Cola. I think it is simply amazing- it's my favorite drink... mmmmmm. Anyway, I find this handy little can is not only good for the calorie conscious, but the perfect serving size. 

Second, although the color may not be for you, this is the SOFTEST robe  you will ever feel. GAP sells it. I think they are made of clouds sewn together with puppy fur and unicorn manes. Basically, it's like a mythical little piece of heaven on your skin. I recommend going to GAP Body because the online selection is ok, but the store has a better variety (and several other products in the same dream-like fabric).

Third, and this one is almost too difficult to talk about... Ruby Red Squirt, was and always will be the greatest drink ever made (next to Coke) which is only produced and sold in limited places - none of which is anywhere near Tejas. It has the grape fruit-y punch of a regular Squirt beverage but with an added Ruby Red deliciousness. I don't know how to describe it except maybe liquid candy and sheer perfection. 

Fourth.... hair turban from Sephora. One of the best things I have ever owned. I don't have to towel dry my hair, it dries it much much faster than wrapping a heavy towel around my hair (which hurts my neck anyway). It has a button on the back so when you twist your hair up in it, it holds in place. It is soft enough and knit well enough that it doesn't snag your hair either - so no slit ends or damage! It is also good to deep conditioner your hair and not make a mess on everything else! Great, great product!!! 

Last, is not a product, but a gift you should give yourself if you ever travel to the Texas Hill Country - more precisely Fredericksburg, TX. The establishment is called Eden's Gate Guest House and you can book it at . The picture DOES NOT do it justice. First of all - it is located on historic Main Street, where all the "activity" occurs. The first floor of the building is a candy shop (Yum!) and this suite is the second floor. You have your own private courtyard and balcony. The bed is huge and comfortable, there is a reading nook, modern amenities (TV, DVD, etc. - all hidden in antique furniture - and the surround sound is built in so you don't see it either), a HUGE bronze soaking tub, mini kitchen (again hidden) and a beautiful bathroom. All the wood and antique furniture are delightful. This place is particularly close to my heart and I would go back every day if I could. 

So, that's a short list of things I think are just delightful!! Enjoy =) 

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Yay Me!!!

It is officially my birthday. Like I said in the title, yay me! 

Pretty much every day is my birthday though... that's one of the few perks of being 26 and unmarried, you sort of get your own way all the time. BUT on your real birthday everyone else has to acknowledge the getting of the way!!! 

I have BIG EXCITING news... pretty much everyone is pregnant and I couldn't be happier. When I know I can share all of their news I will! There are 3 couples, expecting (that we know of so far) a total of 4 babies... that's right, at least one set of twins. Yay yay yay!!! Oh, and if you are counting adoption then I guess I have another friend whose new child will arrive this summer. =) 

On my birthday I like to think about something I would like to work towards for the coming year... it's like New Years, but the whole world doesn't participate and there are no discounts on gym memberships in the following days. Last year I was in a *different* place in my life (queue the flashback music: very heartbroken, very alone, and working at the USDA and living in DC - I spent my bday at work for over 12 hours, commuted for 3 and then passed out after eating take-out - not great, but not my worst either). Anyway, all I wanted for the next year was to be in a healthier, happier place, with a deeper understanding for Christ and a lot less pain in my life. Guess what??? That completely happened. I understand now more than ever the meaning of the name Immanuel, and I hope everyone else does too!! So, I'm at a loss for things to work on until next year - my primary goal is to get out of debt, but God has taught me A LOT recently about being REALLY REALLY REALLY specific about my prayers:

side note: some of you know how unbelievably difficult the last week has been, but I can honestly tell you I got exactly what I prayed for. I apparently, wasn't specific enough ;) but I got EVERYTHING I asked God for.

So, I'm working on my "goals" for the 26th year. I can only imagine that involves less shopping and more keeping up with my laundry - I've given up on the vain hope of every doing my dishes with regularity (and yes you're right I'm a complete neat freak, but I loathe dishes). Let me know if you have suggestions.  

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


You guessed it - I finished Exodus. It has taken forever. Well, actually it didn't take that long until I got to the Tabernacle instructions and then it became an act of faithfulness. This guy, Phillip Martin, has all this cute Biblical clip art. That's where I got this (and yes it's free). Anyway, I like Moses, so these Moments with Moses make me happy. Especially the one with the burning bush- it always reminds of God saying "I AM that I AM" - which always gives me shivers. What an awesome God we serve. We're so blessed! 

So what else is new you ask??? A LOT of random events, both good and bad, but you can always tell by your response how well you are allowing God to work in your life... 

Random Event #1: I was completely and totally betrayed, in a particularly horrible way by someone who has tried to gain my trust. I decided to be slow to anger and sleep on it. Well, I didn't sleep much and I woke up with a migraine. Luckily, I work at a nice place that let me have part of the morning off to just feel sick. By the time the person finally tried to "fix" the situation- I was over it. I was so Hakuna Matata, thanks to Jesus, that I was able to grant some serious grace, or should I say I was able to keep my mouth shut while Jesus granted some Grace!!! Thanks Lord!

Random Event #2: I finally won over someone I have trying to be friends with for 3 years - and she's the bees' knees! Actually, again, Jesus must have won her over because I've been doing the same thing for all 3 years!!! 

Random Event #3: This one is SO weird -- I was in Wal-Mart shopping for groceries after I left the gym the other day. It was sort of late, but still really crowded. I came out of an aisle and went to make a left to go through the main aisle and I stopped dead in my tracks... there was a man who looked very military and very much like a blue-eyed Army boy I adore... we were sort of blocked in the main aisle by some women talking (and I didn't think he noticed me) but he turned to the side and I noticed his arm was in a sling and appeared to be badly injured. ((Disclaimer: I am not very emotional, I rarely cry, I NEVER cry in public, and generally just don't want to know about feelings - I want people to have them, talking about them and expressing them just isn't my thing)) I didn't realize I was starring when I felt a rush of tears fill my eyes. I was brought back to reality when he said "you can go by if you need to, I can move my cart". I was mostly embarrassed because I wasn't sure if he thought I was about to cry over being blocked in or that I was just a weirdo. So you know what's better than letting people think you're weird, CONFIRMING IT!!! =) So I say, "oh no I'm sorry I was starring at your arm" (why would I say THAT?!?!?!) and he looks down (and I feel like a heel) and I say, "oh no, I didn't mean anything by it, it's just you look very military and there's someone I worry about... I uh... I'm just... I'm sorry!" and yes I shouted the sorry part, as I probably should have. He just looked up with those big blue eyes (again tears started to well) and he said, "well, whoever he is is a VERY lucky man, miss. I'm sure he'll be fine and you're right I am a military man, good guess. Does he know you love him?" OH YEAH, YOU READ THAT RIGHT -- and do you know what I did??? If you're guess was A) cry more B) laugh like a hyaena or C) all of the above the answer is C!!! I did that laugh where you're little belly shakes and tears roll down your cheeks and I said, "oh my gosh NO! I wouldn't say that" Let me tell you, I have never seen a grown man laugh that hard. So we just stood there laughing and laughing and laughing, and finally he said, "Well ma'am, you may not be in love with him, but you do love him, and you should tell him". I just smiled, winked (which I'm terrible at) and said "thanks, I'll consider that, ONE DAY" -- isn't that so random??? God does funny stuff!!! He makes me laugh =) 

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I got my haircut. I have two styles:

1. straight for "casual" days
2. with the bottom layer flipped out - it says "hey I'm all business"

Anyway, I promised photos so here they are (I hate pictures of myself)! Oh, and some of you have asked about cutting the hair and T.B. --- umm, I cut at least 6 inches off since I've seen him last. Here is my response: first, if he notices I'll be surprised because it's been 6 weeks since I've seen him already. Mostly though I think my thoughts on this can be summed up this way: Life is filled with big issues, and then there are haircuts. If he didn't have a grasp on reality I wouldn't like him so much... so yeah, he'll like it. =) At least I'm honest. 

Also, thanks to my girl India.Arie who says it best, "I am not my hair. I am not this skin. I am not your expectations. I am the soul that lives within."  Word sister, word! =P 

To whom much is given...

... much is expected.

Are you living up to your gifts???

I haven't been. What a convicting thought. Not only have I not been living up to my human potential (clarification: I work with people who question my mental ability to keep up with spreadsheets - I attended an Ivy League university, and made a perfect score on one or more sections of some very famous standardized tests - I normally don't like to brag, but I'm illustrating a point). Anyway, so I haven't even been living up to my level of smart because I work around lowered expectations and I started to just coast along on cruise control. Not cool. Not cool for me and not cool for Jesus. Because if I'm selling Haley's human gifts short- you know I'm selling Christ's works through me WAY short. So, this stops now. Let me know if you have any ideas of great careers for me, because I'm not thinking the business world is where God meant for me to stay...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Lazy Saturday

Mark it on your calendars... the day I ignored my phone, email, texts... it was everything I thought it could be and so much more! =P

I saw this quote today (while I was indulgently reading / eating / watching tv for hours):

No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit. - Helen Keller

It is really great isn't it? Enjoy!

So what did I do with my day off? Well, I made a list of all the stuff I need to do at work tomorrow (so I wouldn't have to worry about it). I woke up, did all my laundry and cleaned my apartment, then I read a book (about Jesus), caught up on people's lives (Facebook), read a magazine (Time), watched a TV show about Hollywood love stories (lame I know), and I still have lots of time left... SO exciting! Best. Day. Ever. Also, it's sunny and nice outside so I'll go for a run later I think! 

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Some of the best news EVER!

Does anyone know what this is??? It is the 7th (of 8) installment of movies in the Love Comes Softly series. It was just released on May 5th. I hope Natalie and Olivia (as well as Adam and Frank) herd about this!! In case you didn't I thought I would come of blogger hiding to share this joy with the world!