Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year, New You...

That seems to be the theme of every January doesn't it? I kinda like me already though. Don't get me wrong, I have lots of room to grow.


Oh it's so good of you to ask! My friend Bahar and I had a discussion about how it takes 3 weeks to break or establish a new habit. We're complaining less.

So, I'm going to blog the Haley Experiment... in which I will tell you if I complained and you will in turn agree to fine me $5.00**. I am extremely skeptical that it only requires 21 days to break a habit. I have read that it is easier to substitute one habit for another.

Example, please?

Oh gosh, you're good with the questions today, blog junkies! Suppose when you are under stress you typically eat junk food. Instead of just going "cold turkey" on junk food eating it is easier to replace it with exercise. Eventually you will train your body to associate stress with a desire to exercise instead of eat.

Today is day 1 of "Whine = no. Wine = yes" j/k... Whine = No. Wine = No. Which leads me to the following....

Do you know what this picture is of?

Now your gut reaction might be "a faucet" but if you look really closely you will notice it is a faucet without running water. Did I mention it's cold in Texas? Since I'm not whining I guess that means you know the pipes froze and burst in my apartment today, huh?

I'm just stating the facts, folks. Either way, I'm counting this as a whine-free day!

**for those who don't know Chris LeDoux actually wrote and sang a song titled Five Dollar Fine about whining. I will not pay you anything.


  1. I just love you! Sorry to hear about your pipes, that has happened to me every winter for the past two years (no bursting, just freezing, fixed with a hair dryer). Check your email by the way AND RESPOND!!

  2. Stating the facts is SO not whining actually.

    The law (for now) states: "it is not whining if an objective, 3rd party observer could make the same remark regarding the same seeming inconvenient or undesirable situation."

    However! beware as some observers are are simply haters while others are hoarders of misery which are secretly, or openly, seeking your company. Therefore, one must openly exclude comments such as -"Oh my gosh! that REALLY sucks, doesn't it?" or my personal favorite--"oh WOW,I would be a wreck if I were you! What on Earth are you going to do now?!" To which an appropriate response could be the following: "oh, i dunno, how about I start off by getting rid of you? :) don't forget to smile

    **batteries not included, parts sold separately, taxes and fees do apply if in the state of Texas**
